Published: 2022-06-03

An Extended Reply Regarding Auditing Anonymity Networks

This is an extended reply to: which itself is a reply to Auditing Anonymous Networking Software.

Integration - Mitigating Higher Level Issues

New anonymity networks really need to consider the security of higher level applications using them, in addition to the security of the networks themselves.

See also all of

As an illustrated example: Onion services are a cool technology that were (and in many cases still are) plagued by a variety of issues e.g.:

Some of these issues could have been mitigated at a lower level, either within the Tor process itself or in some kind of distributed client software featuring specially designed, and misuse-resistant, APIs.

Some starting questions:

Design to Development

How new ideas get evaluated and implemented is a critical part of the security lifecycle. While much of it comes down to people, the processes those people follow must be audited and, where possible, automated.

Code reviews, integration tests, fuzzing, continuous integration all generated artifacts that can be used to spot issues long before they become vulnerabilities.

Some starting questions:

Development to Distribution

Development is hard, distribution is harder. Some starting questions:

See: Github Issue: Wrong hashes (from

A Final Question: Documenting Risks

How are risks documented, tracked and accepted/mitigated? Some risks are impossible to full mitigate, but what mitigations exist can be written down and referenced when making decisions. Technologies and attackers change and evolve; it is vital that this kind of information be available for review in the future.

e.g. we have the Cwtch Security Handbook for this.

About This Site

This is a site where I dump essays, ideas, thoughts, math and anything else that doesn’t fit into another format, or isn’t yet ready for a longer paper. Beware: Ideas may be half thought through and/or full of errors. Hic sunt dracones.

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